Our content is created based on decades of collective teaching experience, knowledge and continuing education by inspired and dedicated people. Our team members have expanded their training in multiple ways over their careers. We believe a classroom that promotes wellbeing builds a foundation for inspired learning. Our team members have expanded their training in multiple ways over their careers. We build upon research and models that provide a solid foundation for growth, including the work of Joseph Campbell, Dr. David Hawkins, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. We teach from a place of acceptance, compassion, understanding while normalizing diversity, inclusivity and promoting individual talents.

Jackie Savi-Cannon

Jackie Savi-Cannon has focused on corporate consulting specializing in stress management education providing diverse services to corporations such as CIBC, TD, RBC, The Benefits Company, BASF, Windsor Regional Hospital, CBCN, City of Windsor. She has had the opportunity to provide onsite yoga, meditation, seminars, wellness fairs and digital educational tools to numerous individuals and companies. She has a Bachelor of Communication Studies/Visual Arts and a Bachelor of Education. She is also trained in Yoga, Meditation and other integrative modalities.

Kathryn Collins

Kathryn Collins has an invested interest in the emotional and social wellbeing of students for students to maximize their learning experiences. She has worked at Parkwood Hospital with adults with traumatic brain injuries, as a Child and Youth Worker at Maryvale Adolescent and Family Services and as a teacher. For the last 15 years, Kathryn has worked as a Special Education Consultant (K-12) at the Greater Essex District School board where she coordinates services for exceptional students and supports administrators and educators with professional development and programming. In this role, Kathryn regularly liaises with community partners that support the emotional and mental welfare of students. She has promoted emotional literacy and self-regulation programs within the system and brings a diverse range of experience.

Chrystal Regnier

Chrystal is focused on discovering the unseen root cause of what is limiting you in your life and relationships. Alleviating the effects of unresolved emotions, past harm, conflict, and challenging family dynamics, you begin to experience less stress and more ease. Combining her skills as a Qualified Mediator (Q. Med) and Certified Life & Relationship Coach, she brings a unique combination of skills to the solutions you seek. Chrystal is a committed professional holding an MBA, has dedicated nearly two decades of her career to supporting individuals navigating overwhelm and conflict. The majority of those she works with are teachers and parents.

Dr. Denis Marier N.D.

Dr. Marier holds numerous degrees including B.Sc., B.A., B.Ed., N.D., M.A. He is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Ecopsychologist and Wilderness Therapy Guide. He has received multiple awards and grants for his work with Cancer Patients in Hospice Care. Dr. Marier has given lectures and workshops in Canada and the US as well as taught at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Doctors. He has also volunteered his services internationally over the last 20 years. His work with his patients and the Hero's Journey Model is used as inspiration for our lessons with school age children.

Dr. Kaitlyn Martinello N.D.

Dr. Martinello is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Windsor/Essex County since 2015. Her practice mandate is to treat the entire person, not just their symptoms and get to the root cause of their disease state with the goal of improving their overall health and wellbeing. As a passionate Naturopathic Doctor, she incorporates evidence-based research and clinical expertise to provide the most up-to-date, safe, and effective treatment options for her patients. Dr. Kaitlin uses a variety of treatment modalities and strongly believes in empowering her patients through health education.


Taking The Helm Podcast

Navigating the New Emotional Landscape of the Classroom PT.1 & 2

A recent Taking the Helm podcast where Kathryn and Jackie share important insights around the essential need for emotional literacy and regulation in our classrooms.

Download our program introduction here.

Gen1Kids Introduction